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Strength of Materials by R. K. Bansal: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are an engineering student or a professional who wants to learn about the behavior of materials under various types of loads and stresses, you might have heard of the book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal. This is a popular textbook that covers the theoretical and practical aspects of strength of materials in a clear and concise manner. In this article, I will provide you with some information about the book, its benefits, its format, its contents, its price, and some alternatives that you might also like. Let's get started!

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What is the book about?

The book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal is a comprehensive guide that covers the basic concepts and principles of strength of materials, as well as their applications in various engineering problems. The book is divided into twenty-five chapters that deal with topics such as stress and strain, elastic constants, thin cylinders and spheres, principal stresses and strains, strain energy and impact loading, centre of gravity and moment of inertia, shear force and bending moment, bending stresses in beams, shear stresses in beams, direct and bending stresses, deflection of beams, fixed and continuous beams, torsion of shafts and springs, riveted joints, welded joints, rotating discs and cylinders, columns and struts, bending of curved bars, theories of failures, stresses due to rotation in thin and thick cylinders, unsymmetrical bending and shear centre.

The main topics covered in the book

The book covers the following main topics:

  • Stress and strain: This topic introduces the concepts of stress and strain as measures of internal forces and deformations in a material due to external loads. It also explains the types of stress (normal, shear, bearing) and strain (linear, lateral, volumetric), as well as their relations (Hooke's law).

  • Elastic constants: This topic explains the concepts of elastic constants (modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity, bulk modulus) as measures of stiffness or resistance to deformation in a material. It also explains how to determine these constants experimentally or theoretically.

  • Thin cylinders and spheres: This topic deals with the analysis of thin cylindrical and spherical shells subjected to internal or external pressure. It explains how to calculate the hoop stress, longitudinal stress, volumetric strain, change in diameter and length in thin cylinders and spheres.

  • Principal stresses and strains: This topic deals with the analysis of complex stress systems where a material is subjected to more than one type or direction of stress. It explains how to find the principal stresses (maximum normal stress) and principal strains (maximum normal strain) using Mohr's circle or mathematical methods.

Strain energy and impact loading: This topic deals with the concept of strain energy as the work done by external forces in deforming a material elastically. It also explains how to calculate the strain energy due to axial load, shear load, bending load, torsion load, etc. It also deals with the concept of impact loading as a case where a material is subjected to a sudden or dynamic load. It explains how to calculate the impact load, impact stress, and impact factor.

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  • Centre of gravity and moment of inertia: This topic deals with the concepts of centre of gravity and moment of inertia as measures of mass distribution in a body. It explains how to find the centre of gravity of a body using the principle of moments or integration methods. It also explains how to find the moment of inertia of a body about an axis using the parallel axis theorem or integration methods.

  • Shear force and bending moment: This topic deals with the analysis of beams subjected to transverse loads. It explains how to draw the shear force diagram and bending moment diagram for different types of beams (simply supported, overhanging, cantilever, etc.) and loading conditions (point load, uniformly distributed load, etc.). It also explains how to find the maximum shear force and bending moment in a beam.

  • Bending stresses in beams: This topic deals with the analysis of bending stresses in beams due to transverse loads. It explains how to derive the bending equation (M/I = f/y = E/R) and use it to calculate the bending stress, bending strain, radius of curvature, etc. in a beam. It also explains how to find the section modulus and moment of resistance of a beam.

  • Shear stresses in beams: This topic deals with the analysis of shear stresses in beams due to transverse loads. It explains how to derive the shear equation (VQ/It = τ) and use it to calculate the shear stress, shear strain, etc. in a beam. It also explains how to find the shear flow and shear centre of a beam.

  • Direct and bending stresses: This topic deals with the analysis of combined direct and bending stresses in beams due to axial and transverse loads. It explains how to find the resultant stress at any point in a beam using the principle of superposition or graphical methods.

  • Deflection of beams: This topic deals with the analysis of deflection or displacement of beams due to transverse loads. It explains how to derive the differential equation of deflection (EIy'' = M) and use it to calculate the deflection, slope, etc. in a beam. It also explains how to use various methods (double integration method, Macaulay's method, moment area method, conjugate beam method, etc.) to solve for deflection in beams.

  • Fixed and continuous beams: This topic deals with the analysis of fixed and continuous beams that are supported at more than two points. It explains how to find the reactions, shear force, bending moment, deflection, etc. in fixed and continuous beams using various methods (clapeyron's theorem of three moments, slope deflection method, moment distribution method, etc.).

  • Torsion of shafts and springs: This topic deals with the analysis of torsion or twisting in shafts and springs due to torque or twisting moment. It explains how to derive the torsion equation (T/J = τ/r = Gθ/L) and use it to calculate the torsional stress, torsional strain, angle of twist, etc. in shafts and springs. It also explains how to find the polar moment of inertia and torsional stiffness of shafts and springs.

  • Riveted joints: This topic deals with the analysis of riveted joints that are used to connect two or more plates or members. It explains how to classify riveted joints based on their arrangement (lap joint, butt joint) and loading (single riveted, double riveted, etc.). It also explains how to design riveted joints based on their strength (failure by tearing, shearing, crushing) and efficiency.

  • Welded joints: This topic deals with the analysis of welded joints that are used to connect two or more plates or members. It explains how to classify welded joints based on their type (fillet weld, butt weld) and position (parallel weld, transverse weld). It also explains how to design welded joints based on their strength (failure by tearing, shearing) and efficiency.

  • Rotating discs and cylinders: This topic deals with the analysis of rotating discs and cylinders that are subjected to centrifugal forces due to rotation. It explains how to calculate the radial stress, tangential stress, hoop stress, etc. in rotating discs and cylinders using various theories (Lame's theory, Rankine's theory, etc.).

  • Columns and struts: This topic deals with the analysis of columns and struts that are subjected to axial compressive loads. It explains how to classify columns and str uts based on their slenderness ratio (short column, long column) and end conditions (fixed, hinged, etc.). It also explains how to find the critical load, buckling load, Euler's load, etc. in columns and struts using various methods (Euler's formula, Rankine's formula, Johnson's formula, etc.).

  • Bending of curved bars: This topic deals with the analysis of bending of curved bars that are subjected to bending moments. It explains how to calculate the bending stress, bending strain, radius of curvature, etc. in curved bars using various methods (Winkler-Bach formula, Heywood's formula, etc.).

  • Theories of failures: This topic deals with the analysis of failure or rupture of materials due to complex stress systems. It explains how to use various theories of failures (maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum strain energy theory, maximum distortion energy theory, etc.) to determine the safe or unsafe condition of a material.

  • Stresses due to rotation in thin and thick cylinders: This topic deals with the analysis of stresses due to rotation in thin and thick cylinders that are subjected to internal or external pressure and centrifugal forces. It explains how to calculate the radial stress, tangential stress, hoop stress, etc. in thin and thick cylinders using various methods (Lame's theory, Rankine's theory, etc.).

  • Unsymmetrical bending and shear centre: This topic deals with the analysis of unsymmetrical bending and shear centre in beams that are subjected to transverse loads. It explains how to find the principal axes and principal moments of inertia of a beam section using graphical or analytical methods. It also explains how to find the shear centre or neutral axis of a beam section using equilibrium or geometric methods.

How is the book formatted?

The book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal is formatted in a way that makes it easy to read and understand. The book has the following features:

The structure and layout of the book

The book is divided into twenty-five chapters that are further subdivided into sections and subsections. Each chapter begins with an introduction that gives an overview of the topic and its objectives. Each chapter ends with a summary that highlights the main points and formulas. The book also has an appendix that contains useful tables and charts.

The use of diagrams, tables, and examples in the book

The book uses diagrams, tables, and examples extensively to illustrate the concepts and principles of strength of materials. The diagrams are clear and well-labeled, showing the geometry and dimensions of the problems. The tables are concise and organized, showing the data and results of the calculations. The examples are relevant and practical, showing the steps and solutions of the problems.

What are the contents of the book?

The book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal covers a wide range of topics related to strength of materials. The book has the following contents:

The chapters and sections of the book

The book has twenty-five chapters that cover the following topics:




Simple Stress and Strain


Elastic Constants


Thin Cylinders and Spheres


Analysis of Perfect Frames (Analytical Method)


Analysis of Perfect Frames (Graphical Method)


Strain Energy and Impact Loading


Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia


Bending Moment and Shear Force in Statically Determinate Beams


Bending Stresses in Beams (Simple Cases)


Bending Stresses in Beams (Advanced Topics)


Shear Stresses in Beams


Direct and Bending Stresses


Dams and Retaining Walls


Deflection of Beams


Deflection of Cantilever Beams by Moment Area Method and Conjugate Beam Method


Fixed and Continuous Beams


Torsion of Shafts and Springs


Riveted Joints


Welded Joints


Rotating Discs and Cylinders


Bending of Curved Bars


Theories of Failures


Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre


Thin Cylinders Subjected to Internal Pressure Due to Rotation (Stresses Due to Rotation)


Thick Cylinders Subjected to Internal Pressure Due to Rotation (Stresses Due to Rotation)

The summary and highlights of each chapter

The book provides a summary and highlights of each chapter at the end of the chapter. The summary gives a brief overview of the main concepts and formulas covered in the chapter. The highlights give some important points and tips that the reader should remember or pay attention to. For example, the summary and highlights of chapter 1 are as follows:


In this chapter, we have studied the following topics:

  • The concept of stress and strain as measures of internal forces and deformations in a material due to external loads.

  • The types of stress (normal, shear, bearing) and strain (linear, lateral, volumetric), as well as their relations (Hooke's law).

  • The concept of elastic constants (modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity, bulk modulus) as measures of stiffness or resistance to deformation in a material.

  • The methods of determining the elastic constants experimentally or theoretically.

  • The concept of Poisson's ratio as the ratio of lateral strain to linear strain in a material.

  • The concept of thermal stress and strain as the stress and strain induced in a material due to change in temperature.

  • The concept of composite bars as bars made up of two or more materials joined together.

  • The methods of finding the stress, strain, and deformation in composite bars due to axial load or temperature change.


  • The stress is defined as the internal force per unit area acting on a material due to external load. The unit of stress is N/m.

  • The strain is defined as the change in dimension per unit original dimension in a material due to external load. The strain is dimensionless.

  • Hooke's law states that within the elastic limit, the stress is directly proportional to the strain. The constant of proportionality is called the modulus of elasticity or Young's modulus.

  • The modulus of elasticity is defined as the ratio of normal stress to linear strain within the elastic limit. The unit of modulus of elasticity is N/m.

  • The modulus of rigidity is defined as the ratio of shear stress to shear strain within the elastic limit. The unit of modulus of rigidity is N/m.

  • The bulk modulus is defined as the ratio of volumetric stress to volumetric strain within the elastic limit. The unit of bulk modulus is N/m.

  • Poisson's ratio is defined as the ratio of lateral strain to linear strain within the elastic limit. The value of Poisson's ratio varies from 0 to 0.5 for most materials.

  • The thermal stress is defined as the stress induced in a material due to change in temperature when it is restrained from expanding or contracting. The thermal stress is given by αEΔT, where α is the coefficient of thermal expansion, E is the modulus of elasticity, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

  • The thermal strain is defined as the strain induced in a material due to change in temperature when it is free to expand or contract. The thermal strain is given by αΔT, where α is the coefficient of thermal expansion and ΔT is the change in temperature.

  • A composite bar is a bar made up of two or more materials joined together. The stress, strain, and deformation in a composite bar are calculated by using the principle of compatibility (equal deformation) and equilibrium (equal load).

How much does the book cost?

The book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal is available in both print and digital formats. The price and availability of the book may vary depending on the seller and the edition. Here are some examples of the price and availability of the book as of June 2023:

The price and availability of the book






Fifth Edition (2017)

$25.99, Barnes & Noble, etc.


Fourth Edition (2010)

$39.99, Barnes & Noble, etc.


Fifth Edition (2017)

$19.99, Kindle Store, etc.


Fifth Edition (2017)


Various websites (not recommended)

The discounts and offers for the book

The book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal may also be available at discounted prices or with special offers from time to time. Some examples of the discounts and offers for the book are as follows:

  • offers a 10% discount on the paperback edition of the book for Prime members.

  • Barnes & Noble offers a 15% coupon code for the hardcover edition of the book for online orders.

  • Kindle Store offers a free trial of Kindle Unlimited for one month, which allows access to thousands of ebooks including the Kindle edition of the book.

  • Various websites offer free downloads of the PDF edition of the book, but this is not recommended as it may violate the author's rights and contain errors or viruses.

What are some alternatives to the book?

The book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal is not the only source of learning about strength of materials. There are other books, online courses, and resources that can also help you master this subject. Here are some examples of alternatives to the book:

Other books on strength of materials

Some other books on strength of materials that you might like are:

  • Mechanics of Materials by R. C. Hibbeler: This is another popular textbook that covers the topics of stress, strain, deformation, torsion, bending, shear, columns, etc. in a clear and concise manner. It also includes many examples, problems, and solutions.

  • Strength of Materials: A New Unified Theory for the 21st Century by Surya Patnaik and Dale Hopkins: This is a new book that presents a unified theory for strength of materials that incorporates classical and modern concepts. It also includes many applications, case studies, and exercises.

  • A Textbook of Strength of Materials by R. S. Khurmi and N. Khurmi: This is another comprehensive textbook that covers the topics of stress, strain, elastic constants, thin cylinders, beams, torsion, columns, etc. in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. It also includes many diagrams, tables, and examples.

Online courses and resources on strength of materials

Some online courses and resources on strength of materials that you might like are:

  • Coursera: Strength of Materials I: Fundamentals and Applications: This is an online course offered by Georgia Institute of Technology that covers the topics of stress, strain, elastic constants, thin cylinders, beams, torsion, columns, etc. in a rigorous and practical way. It also includes quizzes, assignments, and projects.

  • Udemy: Strength of Materials: From Stress to Strength: This is an online course offered by Dr. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran that covers the topics of stress, strain, elastic constants, thin cylinders, beams, torsion, columns, etc. in a conceptual and intuitive way. It also includes lectures, videos, and quizzes.

  • YouTube: Strength of Materials by NPTEL: This is a series of video lectures by Prof. S. K. Bhattacharyya from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur that covers the topics of stress, strain, elastic constants, thin cylinders, beams, torsion, columns, etc. in a detailed and systematic way. It also includes notes and slides.

  • Wikipedia: Strength of Materials: This is a web page that provides an overview of the subject of strength of materials, its history, its applications, its branches, its methods, etc. It also includes links to other related topics and references.


In this article, I have provided you with some information about the book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal, which is a comprehensive guide that covers the theoretical and practical aspects of strength of materials in a clear and concise manner. I have also given you some information about the book's benefits, format, contents, price, and alternatives. I hope you have found this article helpful and informative. If you are interested in learning more about strength of materials or buying the book, you can check out the links below:

Thank you for reading this article and I hope you have a great day!


Here are some frequently asked questions about the book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal:

  • Who is the author of the book?

The author of the book is Dr. R. K. Bansal, who is a professor and head of the department of mechanical engineering at Delhi College of Engineering (now Delhi Technological University). He has over 40 years of teaching and research experience in the field of strength of materials and has written several books and papers on the subject.

  • What is the edition and publication year of the book?

The latest edition of the book is the fifth edition, which was published in 2017 by Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd. The first edition of the book was published in 1984.

  • What is the level and audience of the book?

The book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students as well as professionals who are studying or working in the field of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aerospace engineering, or any other branch that involves strength of materials. The book assumes that the reader has some basic knowledge of mathematics and physics.

  • What are the prerequisites for reading the book?

The prerequisites for reading the book are as follows:

  • A basic knowledge of mathematics (calculus, algebra, trigonometry) and physics (mechanics).

  • A basic knowledge of engineering mechanics (statics and dynamics).

  • A basic knowledge of engineering materials (properties and behavior).

  • How can I get a free PDF version of the book?

There are some websites that claim to offer free PDF downloads of the book, but this is not recommended as it may violate the author's rights and contain errors or viruses. The best way to get a free PDF version of the book is to buy the Kindle edition from and use a software like Calibre to convert it to PDF format.



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