The InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE) provides both a modular, flexible, and extensible framework for building software components and applications that work together seamlessly as well as a toolbox for processing InSAR data into higher level geodetic image products from a diverse array of radar satellites and aircraft. ISCE easily scales to serve as the SAR processing engine at the core of the NASA JPL Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Center for Natural Hazards as well as a software toolbox for individual scientists working with SAR data. ISCE is planned as the foundational element in processing NISAR data, enabling a new class of analyses that take greater advantage of the long time and large spatial scales of these data. ISCE in ARIA is also a SAR Foundry for development of new processing components and workflows to meet the needs of both large processing centers and individual users. The ISCE framework contains object-oriented Python components layered to construct Python InSAR components that manage legacy Fortran/C InSAR programs. The Python user interface enables both command-line deployment of workflows as well as an interactive "sand box" (the Python interpreter) where scientists can "play" with the data. Recent developments in ISCE include the addition of components to ingest Sentinel-1A SAR data (both stripmap and TOPS-mode) and a new workflow for processing the TOPS-mode data. New components are being developed to exploit polarimetric-SAR data to provide the ecosystem and land-cover/land-use change communities with rigorous and efficient tools to perform multi-temporal, polarimetric and tomographic analyses in order to generate calibrated, geocoded and mosaicked Level-2 and Level-3 products (e.g., maps of above-ground biomass or forest disturbance). ISCE has been downloaded by over 200 users by a license for WinSAR members through the website. Others may apply directly to JPL for a license at
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As one component of the Office of Naval Research supported Sea State Departmental Research Initiative during October of 2015 the Naval Research Laboratory flew an ultrawide-band, low-frequency, polarimetric SAR over the southward advancing sea ice in Beaufort Sea. The flights were coordinated with the research team aboard the R/V Sikuliaq working near and in the advancing pack ice. The majority of the SAR data were collected with the L-Band sensor (1000-1500 MHz) from an altitude of 10,000', providing a useful swath 6 km wide with 75o and 25 o angles of incidence at the inner and outer edge of the swath respectively. Some data were also collected with the P-Band SAR (215-915 MHz). The extremely large bandwidths allowed for formation of image pixels as small as 30 cm, however, we selected 60 cm pixel size to reduce image speckle. The separate polarimetric images are calibrated to one pixel to allow for calculations such as polarimetric decompositions that require the images to be well aligned. Both frequencies are useful particularly for the detection of ridges and areas of deformed ice. There are advantages and disadvantages to airborne SAR imagery compared to satellites. The chief advantages being the enormous allowable bandwidth leading to very fine range resolution, and the ability to fly arbitrary trajectories on demand. The latter permits specific areas to be imaged at a given time with a specified illumination direction. An area can even be illuminated from all directions by flying a circular trajectory around the target area. This captures ice features that are sensitive to illumination direction such as cracks, sastrugi orientation, and ridges. The disadvantages include variation of intensity across the swath with range and incidence angle. In addition to the SAR data, we collected photogrammetric imagery from a DSS-439, scanning lidar from a Riegl Q560 and surface brightness temperatures from a KT-19. However, since all of these sensors are nadir pointing 2ff7e9595c