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Hacked Vmex Decompiler: The Best Way to Explore and Edit Source Maps

There were a few other strange things I noticed that I can't remember now, but what I'm really asking is if this decompiler really decompiles everything correctly. --Mattshu 13:35, 31 January 2011 (UTC)

Even if you create a map it is still decompilable with hacked versions of a decompiler. The only way I found to make it very hard to decompile is to get a program like entSpy and manually add a key that has not physically been compiled into the map, that way the decompiler will get an error and refuse to compile.

Hacked Vmex Decompiler

kaflkeel 19191a764c -vmex-decompiler[ -vmex-decompiler ][ -vmex-decompiler ][ -vmex-decompiler ]link= -vmex-decompilerlink= -vmex-decompilerlink= -vmex-decompiler

If it was in the compiled map (maybe as a final credits-sort of thing), then concievably they could vmex it (decompile it) and remove that as well, I think. That said, if you want to be able to prove its your map, you could always watermark it. That is to say, sign your name somewhere inconspicuous, but if you need to demonstrate that it is there, you could.

As much as I hate vmex, I have to think that within such a relatively small community such as the Portal one, there isn't going to be as much vmexing as say in the CSS community. Maybe that's just me, though. 2ff7e9595c

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